Please arrive at your scheduled appointment time. If you are running late, please call us. Hair should be fixed and make up should be applied before you arrive. We will have a dressing room for quick touch-ups. 



We advise you wear your makeup in your normal style. Simply apply it slightly heavier than normal. Note: Avoid makeup with an SPF in it. Although it is good for your skin in the sun, the SPF tends to create a shine. You can further control shine by using a translucent powder.



Avoid changing your hairstyle or cutting your hair right before your session. Haircuts should be done at least a week before your appointment. If you color your hair, do not forget your roots! Highlights should be touched up approximately one to two weeks before your session. Quick easy hairstyle changes during your session are OK, but make it quick or you'll lose camera time.



No need to fret; all of your finished portraits will be retouched so don’t worry if your complexion breaks out right before your session. If you feel you must use cover-up try not to apply it too heavily.



We warn you not to overdo the tanning bed or sun. Your skin will have a natural luster and color if you let it rest from tanning for three days before your session.



Be prepared to have fun with the staff a Greg Machen Photography. We are extremely lucky to be doing a job we absolutely love. Having a good time and creating incredible photographs for your senior year is our top priority!

Thank you for giving us the opportunity!

Greg Machen Photography